Hello :) Rachel Leigh here.

Once a week for a whole year I will take a picture of something I love and and what better day to start than Valentines Day?

February 14, 2011-February 14, 2012...ready, set, go!...me! Haha :D

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

{Week 33} I love...

...cacti :).
I used to not, but then I discovered that there's some really cute varieties :D. Mom let me pick out this little guy at the beginning of the summer and he's still alive! Hooray for plants that don't need much tending to. Haha :D.


Allix Ruby said...

He's so cute! Have you named him, yet? Something so precious and lively {and green...we can not forget its advantageous greeness) should have a name I think. :D

Rachel Greene said...

For some reason, the name "Franky" comes to mind. Franky he is. Haha :D